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Colonizing Colonies

Colonizing Colonies

Your Guide to New Functionality

Building a New Stellar Colony

Web Tech Colony Items

-Mining on colonies with ruins -Autonomous Mantle Bore -Biofactory -Embryo -Catalytic Core -Combat Drone -Replicator -Corrupted. WEB

Colonies are player-owned settlements on planets within the sector. A colony can serve many purposes. They can produce goods for the player to take or just to store items. The following is a complete list of items that can be installed on a colony:

-Mining: Allows the colony to mine resources from the planet. -Autonomous Mantle Bore: Allows the colony to mine resources from the planet without the need for a player to be present. -Biofactory: Allows the colony to produce food and other biological resources. -Embryo: Allows the colony to produce new ships. -Catalytic Core: Increases the colony's production speed. -Combat Drone: Defends the colony from attack. -Replicator: Allows the colony to produce items from blueprints. -Corrupted. WEB: Allows the colony to produce corrupted items.

Colonies are player-owned settlements on planets within the sector. A colony can serve many purposes. They can produce goods for the player to take or just to store items. To build a colony, the player must first find a suitable planet. The planet must have at least one habitable zone and must not be too close to a star. Once a suitable planet has been found, the player must construct a colony ship. The colony ship can be built at any shipyard. Once the colony ship has been built, the player must select a location for the colony. The location must be within a habitable zone and must not be too close to any other colonies. Once the location has been selected, the player must deploy the colony ship. The colony ship will then begin to construct the colony.
